affirmations, appreciations, positivity-441457.jpg

My personal affirmations

I’ve been using affirmations for the last few years and thought I would share mine. They are personal and fully aligned to my values. Feel free to contact me if you want to create your own and need some help…

Although awkward to begin with, I really enjoy doing them now and, more importantly, they are evidence based.

Every affirmation has a purpose, to either:
1.   Reinforce a thought or behaviour
2.   Help me override a thought or behaviour
3.   Remind me of a goal

A useful way to create a set of affirmations is to:
– Think about the aspects of your life and behaviours you want to reinforce or change.
– Think about childhood messages from your parents you want to override.
Think about learned behaviours you want to change.
– Think about what you want to achieve in your life.

> Then generate your own personalised affirmations.

My affirmations:

I believe in Allah, his messengers and the Quran 
I am thankful to Allah for the blessings in my life 
I am thankful to Allah for another day  
I put faith and trust in Allah in all aspects of my life 
I pray 5 daily prayers on time with focus and submission 

Today I will be successful 
I will grow, learn and become a better version of myself 
I am positive and attract good things into my life 
Everything I want to achieve in my life is possible 
I wake up early everyday to add value to the world through my projects  
I help young people from all walks of life to achieve their own vision of success 

I can attain the lifestyle I want for myself and my family 
I am not limited by anything in this life 
I decide where I want my life and career to go with the help of Allah 
I am deliberate and plan for my future 
Nothing is too expensive for me 
Money is not a restriction in my life 

I invest in myself and the things that help me to grow 
I build my knowledge and skills every day 
I am confident in my skills and my ability 
I lead and inspire others 
I am talented and help others to realise their potential 
I show appreciation and praise people when they do good 
I have a great work life balance and find reward in all of my projects 
I am effective with my time and work smart as well as hard 
I am persistent towards my goals and desires 

I am a good dad and husband 
I show compassion towards my family 
I put my family first and prioritise their happiness 
I spend quality time with my family and show interest in their lives 
I help those around me to achieve their goals 
I make conscious actions and don’t react to triggers 

I focus on overcoming challenges to bring me happiness 
I don’t need material things in my life to make me happy 
I invest my money and only buy things I need 
I live in this world like a traveller 

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