Mohammed Bentaleb

Grades are not enough: my lived experience raising ‘middle-class’ children

Coming from a ‘working class’ background and raising ‘middle-class’ children has been one of the most insightful experiences of my life. It has also significantly shifted my views on social mobility… I used to think that educational attainment was the silver bullet that could shift the dial and that closing the attainment gap would therefore

Grades are not enough: my lived experience raising ‘middle-class’ children Read More »

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Think in opportunity costs for better decisions

My powerful knowledge series aims to help you:1.    Go beyond the limits of your personal experience.2.    Better explain and understand the natural and social worlds.3.    Discover new ways of thinking in systematic ways.4.    Engage in current debates of significance. As part of my content creation strategy, I ask myself a key question before I produce

Think in opportunity costs for better decisions Read More »

Management: three key motivations that drive performance

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is a useful framework for thinking about how our basic needs motivate us. Once these are met, we are then driven to fulfil our potential (see my video). McClelland’s Three Needs Theory of motivation provides a nice extension that has useful insights for the workplace. McClelland identified three key motivations for

Management: three key motivations that drive performance Read More »

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Powerful knowledge: five common human biases and how to avoid them

My powerful knowledge series aims to help you learn new things to: In our everyday lives we are subject to biases that influence our behaviours and decision making. Interestingly, we have these biases because we seek mental shortcuts to help us make decisions easily. However, they sometimes lead to undesirable outcomes that we would rather

Powerful knowledge: five common human biases and how to avoid them Read More »

Reflections on visiting England’s highest performing school (on progress)

I recently visited Michaela (a secondary school), which scored the highest in the country in terms of pupil progress last year. This means that, according to the data, pupils that attend Michaela make more progress from Year 7 to Year 11 (GCSEs) relative to where they started than any other school in the country. What’s

Reflections on visiting England’s highest performing school (on progress) Read More »

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